Popular professions in Vaud

Administrative Assistant

1 538 salary entries

CHF 68 411

Commercial Manager

1 370 salary entries

CHF 64 372

Account Manager

1 040 salary entries

CHF 56 681

Accounting Clerk

815 salary entries

CHF 80 957


809 salary entries

CHF 79 018

Administration Manager

608 salary entries

CHF 75 075

Executive Assistant

598 salary entries

CHF 83 682

HR Assistant

576 salary entries

CHF 72 575


558 salary entries

CHF 60 742

Assistant Carer

528 salary entries

CHF 56 000

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10 363 salaries

What is the average wage in the canton of Vaud?

The French-speaking canton of Vaud is interesting for the job market. The median wage there is CHF 74 903. This puts the wages in Vaud in the upper third compared to the rest of Switzerland. This value was calculated on the basis of all 46 851 entries on jobs.ch's salary check for Vaud. There are particularly many jobs in the capital Lausanne, but cities such as Vevey, Yverdon-les-Bains, Montreux or Nyon also have numerous companies that regularly advertise jobs.

What are the sectors in the canton of Vaud that pay the best salaries?

Wages in the canton of Vaud, like in the rest of Switzerland, vary considerably between sectors. The data of the salary check show us that in the canton of Vaud the Medical Technology sector pays the highest wages. The second highest salaries in the Canton of Vaud are paid in the Information technology / Telecom. sector, followed by the Banking / Financial institutions industry. If you know German and French, you have a good chance of getting a job in the canton of Vaud. The cost of living tends to be high, although there are big differences between the towns.